************************************************************* * * DOCUMENTATION * R A P I D D O C UM E N T B U I L D E R V 2 * by Klaus S. Fischer * me@klaus-s-fischer.de * 2020-12-08 * ************************************************************ 1 P U R P O S E Rapid Document Builder (RDB) is a software that builds Rich Text Format (.rtf) files according to its own simple syntax. The description how to build the output .rtf-file is written in a simple text file with only a few instructions. .rtf-file is based on RTF Specification 1.6. You can use RDB as command line tool or you can double click the .exe file. Command line: C: RDB_1008171404.exe c:\Testfile.txt Drag and Drop: drop your txt-file on RDB_1008171404.exe I am using Antlantis Nova Version (Freeware) as word processor for .rtf output files. 2 L I C E N C E This program is FREEWARE. Everyone can use it. YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE ON YOUR OWN RISK. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THIS RISKT DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE. 3 S Y S T E M R E Q U I R E M E N T S I do not know what the requirements are. I know it works on a Windows XP system, but it uses only one CPU core. RAM is not a question. Does work on Windows7 64bit. 4 W A R R E N T Y The software comes with no warrenty or guarantee. Do not blame me if the software is not working. If you like this software but you need a individual version with a slightly different syntax feel free to contact me. 5 S Y N T A X The script file, that describes how to build the rtf- document, contains instructions and text. Instructions are marked with a '\' at the beginning of the line and shall have no extra characters (e.g. space) Nearly everything else is treated as text and will be visible in the .rtf output file There is no syntax for tables. I do not like tables. Tables can be realized with Courier New and space characters. Or tab-command. 6 I N S T R U C T I O N S CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS # This instruction at the beginning of the line marks a comment. This line will be ignored example: # Description of test setup from file test.txt \output This instruction defines where and with what name the .rtf document shall be generated. The following line after \output will not be processed as text. Use it only once per scriptfile. Use it right at the beginning of the script file. example: \output c:\temp\examplefile.rtf \local This instruction shortens the necessary path for \include, \minipic, \midpic, \bigpic, \diagram example: \local c:\temp INTEGRATION INSTRUCTIONS \page This instruction inserts a page breake. example: \page \line This instruction jumps to the beginning of a new line. (SHIFT+ENTER in WORD) example: \line \par This instruction makes a hard line break, that means it is a "Enter" in WORD. example: \par \center \minipic c:\temp\EquipmentUnderTest.jpg \par \left \tab This will include a tab with 0.5cm. This is the ONLY command you can use MORE than ONCE in ONE LINE and it forces no new line. This is really strange. example: \tab\tabSome text here ...which is 1cm shifted. \include This instruction defines a txt-file, that will be included in the .rtf document. Content will be extracted out of the txt-file an the line formating will be the same. The content will appear in rtf-file in the same format as the text before. The following line after \include will not be processed as text. example: \include c:\temp\StandardTestDescription01.txt \par Each line of the included text is separated by a \line. Additionally tagged text can be extracted: example: \include c:\temp\StandardTestDescription01.txt ts:starttagg te:endtagg \par Each line of the included text is separated by a \line.. \minipic This instruction defines a .jpg or .png that will be included in the .rtf-file. The width will be 7.5cm at a 4:3 ratio of width to hight of the picture. A single SPACE character will be added right after the picture. This instruction does not change text format. The following line after \minipic will not be processed as text. example: \minipic c:\temp\EquipmentUnderTest.jpg \midpic Same as \minipic but with 11cm width. \bigpic Same as \minipic but with 13cm width. \diagram This instruction defines a txt-file, that will be included in the .rtf document. Content will be extracted out of the txt-file an the line formating will be the same. The content will appear in rtf-file in a new format: Fontsize is reduced to 7. This instruction is made for ascii based block diagrams made by AACircuit by Andreas Weber at www.tech-chat.de The following line after \diagram will not be processed as text. example: \diagram c:\temp\BlockdiagramOfTestSetup.txt \par Each line of the included text is separated by a \line. PRE DEFINED TEXT FORMAT INSTRUCTIONS All of the following instructions will change the text appearance in the .rtf-file due to the fact, that the following parameters are individually defined for each instruction: underline on or off italic on or off bold on or off font 4 types of fonts available fontsize value fontcolor 5 font colors orientation left, center, right, justified, distributed \h1 to \h4 These instructions are pre-defined by RDB and can be used for headlines. They all differ in textsize. The following lines will have this formating until a new pre defined text format instruction appears. example: \h1 1 INSTRUCTION \h4 DETAILS \standard This instructions is pre-defined by RDB and can be used for standard text. The following lines will have this formating until a new pre defined text format instruction appears. example: \standard To make a cup of tea you need hot water and suggar... \subscript This instructions is pre-defined by RDB and can be used for describing pictures. The following lines will have this formating until a new pre defined text format instruction appears. example: \subscript pic.01: A lion in the street \quote This instructions is pre-defined by RDB and can be used for inserting text passages from other authors. The following lines will have this formating until a new pre defined text format instruction appears. example: \quote "All big cars have drivers with lots of money" J.K. Smith \note This instructions is pre-defined by RDB and can be used for small notes in the .rtf-file.The following lines will have this formating until a new pre defined text format instruction appears. example: \note REQUIREMENT-LINK: qrs-1-2345 DIRECT TEXT FORMAT INSTRUCTIONS All of the following instructions will change the text appearance in the .rtf-file due to the fact, that ONE of the following parameters is individually defined for each instruction: underline on or off italic on or off bold on or off font 4 types of fonts available fontsize value fontcolor 5 font colors orientation left, center, right, justified, distributed \font1 to \font4 This instruction changes the font. Fonts are pre-defined by RDB. The following lines will have this format until a new format instruction appears. example: \font1 This is written in Courier New \font2 This is written in Arial \standard This is written in pre defined format for standard \bold \nobold \italic \noitalic \underline \nounderline These instructions toggle between their appearance in the rtf-file. The following lines will have this format until a new format instruction appears. example \bold This ist the most important aspect! \nobold \left \right \center \distributed \justified These instructions toggle between each other. The following lines will have this format until a new format instruction appears. example: \left This is written at the left side of the page And this as well \center Now it is centered in the middle of the page \standard back to standard format \color1 to \color5 These instructions toggle between each other. The following lines will have this format until a new format instruction appears. example: \color1 Everything in black \color2 changed to red \color3 it is blue I guess \color4 this is green \color5 and now grey \h1 This is a headline in black \size+ \size++ \size- \size-- These instructions change the font size by 0.5 for + and - and 1 for ++ and --. The following lines will have this format until a new format instruction appears. example: \standard \size-- This is standard text by 1 smaller than normal